Highly Recommend the CNMJ Program

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain, through CIEE's Communication, New Media, and Journalism program. It was one of the few international programs that fulfilled graduation requirements for me at the University of Oregon, but I also liked that I could take classes at the University of Sevilla if I wanted to. At first, I was on the fence because I didn't know any other classmates who'd studied abroad here and I was keen on going to Latin America, but now I can't imagine my academic career without CNMJ. Not only did I enjoy the culture, food, and people of Sevilla, but the program connected me to countless opportunities that allowed me to be independent and to become immersed into my new community. I participated in local media workshops, worked on an independent thesis, had a language partner, traveled to Barcelona for a conference, traveled with my host family, and participated in an international film festival. All I had to do was ask.
The CNMJ classes were a gateway to Sevilla--as many of them included field trips and lessons on Spanish history. I'm still in contact with several professors, and am so happy I decided to do this program. I figured writing a review might be the best way to get other people to have experiences similar to mine--overall I give the CNMJ program a cien por cien.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would