Teaching in Thailand

Benefits: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 2
Facilities: 2
Safety: 5

Teaching in Thailand with TravelBud was one of the best decisions I have ever made! When I signed up to the programme I was unsure whether this was the right thing to do, and the months leading up to my departure I was so nervous that I had made the wrong decision. But I was so wrong to have had any worries, TravelBud were great in assisting me with everything I needed, and they were so quick to reply to my emails.
The TESOL course in Hua Hin was such a great way to make new friends and experience new things. Not only was I prepared for teaching English as a foreign language, but I was also taught how to teach in a Thai classroom, and what to expect when teaching Thai students. I felt fully prepared on my first day at my school in Krabi.
Teaching here has completely exceeded my expectations, my Thai school is amazing and I love my students. My fellow Thai teachers have been so welcoming and they are always trying to involve me in school activities. It felt a little overwhelming at first, but I quickly settled in and now I don't ever want to leave!

For those who are considering teaching in Thailand, I would absolutely recommend going through TravelBud, they offer a fantastic programme! The only thing I could fault is that during the TESOL course there were various costs I felt unprepared for, and I did end up spending a fair bit on teaching materials as they are not provided for you. But if you are willing to save the money, then go through this programme, you definitely won't regret it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed