Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

I have been both a volunteer and a student with Maximo Nivel spending over 11 weeks working side by side with their programs and administration. Throughout my time in Guatemala, I was consistently given the support I needed to be beyond successful in my day to day tasks. Our TEFL trainer, Karen was out of this world. Class started around 9 am everyday and continued till about 4 pm with a 1 hour lunch break, giving you ample time to explore the local restaurants, market, and roam the beautiful cobble stone streets.

Going into the course, I had zero knowledge of where to start teaching had I been tossed into a classroom without training. Karen took the time to go at the pace of the students in her class, going into more detail and ensuring our total understanding. This intensive 150 hour course provided me with the knowledge and the confidence to be able to enter a class room with ESL students whom speak little to no English, create both daily and weekly lesson plans, and the confidence to toss everything I had planned out of the window in any scenario.

Antigua Guatemala is the most beautiful place on this planet. Although Guatemala has a reputation to be very dangerous, Antigua is a very safe place to walk around during the day and in groups at night. There is always something to do here in this vibrant city including hiking volcanos, surfing, night life, touring Guatemala City, taking a chicken bus, exploring the many different markets, and studying with Maximo Nivel.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed