The Gift of TravelBud

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 2
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

As I graduated from college, the idea of teaching in Thailand was something I longed for with all of my might, but making it happen seemed near possible. I began researching, but the more pages I uncovered and information I found, the more overwhelmed I felt. The idea of just hopping of a plane, alone, nervous, and unsure of my next step seemed quite daunting. As I sat on my living room floor completely absorbed with doubt, I randomly ended up on a Facebook page called TravelBud. The Universe had sent me the answer I had been waiting for. Within the next 24 hours, I was chatting with Peter over Skype, and I genuinely had the best instincts about this organization. Every aspect of me believed and truly knew that this was the right decision. From just one friendly and honest conversation, I had my mind made up. After a long chat and a night of rest, I woke up the next morning feeling sure that this was how I would find myself in Thailand within my goal of two months down the road.

I will happily inform you that I write this review from the comfort of my home in Northern Thailand, where I have been living for the past two months or so. I owe every aspect of this beautiful, challenging, life-altering experience to the crew of TravelBud. They provided me the guidance and support to let go of fear, say so long to comfort zones, and pursue what my heart longed for. I hold such a special place in my heart for this organization, because they have truly made my dreams into a reality. Cheers to you TravelBud!

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