A year long stay at Hutong School

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I've studied at Hutong School twice. Once for three months and once for a year. And I think that tells enough.. The first time was a great experience, but way too short, so I came back. The staff is great, helpful and nice to everybody. It's really convenient that HS offers apartments, so you don't have to worry about paying your electric bill of your internetconnection. I mean, that's already a hassle in your own country, let alone in China! Believe me, everybody is scared or nervous when they arrive at BJ airport for the first time. So it's really good that a HS employee is there to pick you up and show you around. The welcome parties are great to meet new people and of course your first friends are your classmates. You see them every day in class but most likely also fo lunch and dinner (going to a restaurant is so cheap that you can do that twice every day!) and for partying afterwards.
What I also really like about the school is their flexibility. My workinghours changed a lot but we could always figure out a way so that I could continue my clases. My time in BJ has been the best time of my life so far! If you wanna talk to me about the school of my experiences, send me a message on facebook. Wieteke Erkens

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Yes, I would