One of the best places you can go abroad

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

University of Canberra is a tiny university compared to what I am used to back in the United States but the small setting enhances the exchanges' stay abroad. With a limited time in Australia, no one would like to end up with a gigantic campus where they would have a harder time getting around.

The best thing about UC is how friendly everyone is since. My experiences living on res were wonderful because the people were always happy, relaxed, and easy going. A regular routine on a school week was filled with may educational but also fun activities. At UC you don't have to chose between one or the other. I had time for school work and for hanging out with friends, going out, and on top of that travelling just about every weekend.

Go to UC and I promise you will have an amazing time

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Yes, I would