Time of My Life in Cusco

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I recently went through some major life changes (not by choice), and I needed to do something for myself. When I was in high school I read a story about a girl who overcame her own challenges, and then escaped on a volunteer trip to Peru. Since reading this book I've always wanted to go myself to see Machu Picchu, explore the jungle, and to help make a difference. IVHQ gave me that chance. This was my first major international trip and the first time I'd ever gone anywhere on my own. IVHQ prepared me well and gave me everything I needed to have the time of my life while also keeping me safe and connected to experts at every stage of my trip. In only 2 short weeks I became a jungle-dwelling adventurer complete with machete and monkey friends. I had such a blast and met so many cool people, and I didn't feel like I was really on my own at any point. I loved it so much I'm planning another trip for this summer! The jungle conservation project with IVHQ in Peru was truly life changing, and I'm so grateful for the experience and I can't wait to discover more places and people around the globe.

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Year Completed