Education Abroad Network- Bond University Gold Coast, Australia

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My study abroad experience was so unique and memorable, and there are a variety of reasons why I believe it has changed my life. We lived in the Meriton Hotel located in the heart of Broadbeach where we were in walking distance of the nightlife, restaurants, shopping plazas, food stores, and the beach. Because the beach was only a block away, we were able to utilize the parks and jogging paths throughout our stay. Our location allowed us to become fully immersed in the culture, and make connections with the locals. The classes I took at Bond University corresponded nicely with my home university, and credit transfer was effortless because of the guidance we had before, during, and after our study abroad experience. One of my fondest memories of my study abroad experience was the travel opportunities I was able to take. As part of the Education Abroad Network's pre-semester trip to Fiji, I spent my first week of abroad on an island with 40 people I had never met before. To say this trip brought us closer together is a complete understatement. I met many of my lifelong friends on this trip, and was truly inspired by the natives of Fiji and their way of living. My trip to Thailand during the semester was also an eye-opening experience, as I became fully appreciative of the Thai culture, food, spirituality and way of life. We also were able to visit an orphanage while in Thailand, which changed my life and still has effects on me now that I am in my home country.

Studying abroad is not just about living in a different country for four months. It is about making lifelong friends and seeing the world, opening your eyes to so many situations and opportunities that you have never seen before. By studying abroad at Bond University through the Education Abroad Network, it has changed my life and career path. As a Health Policy and Administration major, I am now taking a serious look at other country's health care systems and am considering a career in the global health field. I strongly believe that studying abroad will provide you with an experience that has the power to change your life and give you meaning and purpose that you have never felt before.

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Yes, I would