Life changing

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Taking part in the Wildlife Conservation program in South Africa was a huge step for me, It was a life long dream and also the first time travelling overseas by myself. My whole experience in South Africa at the Karongwe game reserve was life changing and I think everyone needs to experience it in their life. On the average day we would wake up at 4.30am to start the game drives at 5am, the drives were surreal we would see lions, cheetahs, elephants and giraffes even before breakfast. One day we had set out on the truck to try and identify the elephants for their profiles the staff were creating, getting ahead of the herd we parked in a cross roads, as we sat on the truck the herd walked strait past us, we were meters away!!! One of the newborn babies was walking with its mum and older sister, playing and teasing the older elephants, When the Monarch of the herd walked past she stopped and stared strait at me!! I began to cry, it was amazing being so close to such a huge and beautiful animal. Moments like these happened on many of the days at the game reserve, it was definately One of the best experiences of my life and I plan to go back. The staff and the other volunteers were amazing, I only wish I had stayed longer as four weeks was definately not long enough :)

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