Andalusian Allure

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

Granada is beautiful. The Sierra Nevada mountains form a gorgeous backdrop for views such as the Alhambra, or the Albayzin neighborhood. The nightlife is alive because the city is made up of mostly students who frequent bars, nightclubs, pubs, the botellón park, etc. Every day I wake up, drink coffee with my host mom, walk 15 minutes to school, learn seriously interesting things in my classes, pop in to the director's office (who is the nicest, most caring, best director of any program I have ever been a part of) have an intercambio meeting with Spanish students, and all the while continue learning and speaking Spanish. There are sport teams and musical groups, internships and volunteering opportunities on offer- it seriously is the whole enchilada. Included is a trip to Morocco, which, for us sheltered American students is a fundamental experience to understanding the world better, especially the Islamic world. Staying three nights with a host family in Rabat, and later touring the majestic countryside of such a historic nation was an invaluable cultural exchange. In summation, it is a great program in a safe city learning a beautiful and useful language learning about a rich culture and being educated at a fine university.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would