I don't know what to title this, but go to Brighton!

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

Hi, I'm Julia and I studied abroad at the University of Brighton in the fall of 2014. If you're reading this because you are considering this program, I want to tell you: "Go do it!". Here's why:
Firstly, there is Becca and Mary. Without them I would not have been able to come to Brighton in the first place. There was no cooperation between my uni and the UoB, but Becca and I exchanged countless Emails until it was possible for me to study abroad in Brighton. Mary and Becca are generally just very supportive and so clearly love their jobs! They plan great little activities like Pizza parties and the field trips that allow you to explore some beautiful places in England.
Secondly, go for the city of Brighton. Brighton is not as hectic as London, but there is still a lot going on. My favorite things about Brighton are the seafront, the little cute and crazy shops and cafes and the music scene. There is usually a free concert somewhere!
Finally, this program will allow you to meet people from all over this planet. While I am from Germany, my flatmates were from the US, Japan and England. That was pretty cool!
I still like to think back to my time in Brighton, even two years later! :) I honestly could not imagine a better study abroad experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would