Becoming a TEFLar Knight

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 3

After a lot of thought I finally decided to take the TEFL course and it was the best decision I could have made. During the course I was living in Guatemala City and leaving behind two daughters, one who was 5 months at the time, the trip to and from Máximo Nivel was hard. But as soon as I got off that chicken bus and walked down the beautiful streets of Antigua I felt happy, happy to see my friends, happy to learn and happy to sit in Karens class.

The lessons were intense yet Karens way of teaching made everything fun and easy to understand. Each and every class was new and exciting, she took her time to teach and made sure we all understood. You can tell that Karen cares deeply about her students. I can not think of anyone better for the job, Karen is an amazing TEFL trainer and a wonderful person.

Máximo Nivel is a great place to get your TEFL certification, the staff is super friendly and they are always willing to help out. The facilities are always clean and the view from Casa II is beautiful. I miss drinking my coffee and getting my work done as I enjoyed the view of the volcanoes. Not to mention the night I got to see a volcano erupt, that was the night we had out TEFL Toast. It was the perfect way to end such a wonderful experience.

If anyone still has any doubts about becoming TEFL certified, I say stop thinking about it and come to Antigua!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed