Medical Volunteering in Cusco

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Hand on heart, my experience in Cusco was one of the best in my life and this couldn't have been possible without IVHQ. From the get go I felt supported, between the online workshops and coordination with the staff I could tell I had made the right decision. I was nervous when I landed in Cusco but I was immediately put at ease when I was greeted by a member of the team who brought us to our homestay. Our host family and accommodation were far more luxurious than I could have ever imagined and I felt at home at once. I liked how we shared accommodation with other volunteers and through this I ended up making lifelong friends from all over the world. The food was plentiful and delicious. Orientation was brilliant as it gave us a brief overview of our volunteering and also included a tour of the city. Everyone working for Maximo Nivel were beyond helpful, friendly and I felt completely part of the team. The volunteering itself was amazing. I spent 3weeks in a small clinic where I got to help with a vaccine campaign as well as carry out baby checks and STI testing. The fact that I only had basic Spanish didn't hold me back too much and by the end I could communicate effectively with the staff in the clinic. I would highly recommend to anyone thinking about volunteering, to go with IVHQ to Cusco because it is undeniably an unforgettable experience that is surprisingly affordable. Thanks again to everyone in Maximo Nivel Cusco :)

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Yes, I would
Year Completed