Study Abroad: China

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

If you're a travel geek like me I highly recommend this program because how many people can actually say they went to China. Not only does studying abroad look good on a resume, for most going abroad is a once in a life time experience, where you can gain independence, responsibility and become culturally educated. I highly encourage anyone who remotely interested to take the opportunity because it is unforgettable and you also gain close friends while abroad. I also want to include, CAPA made all the application processes very easy by giving us step by step instructions on what to do.
I studied abroad mainly in Shanghai, China, but I did visit other cities as well such as Beijing, Wuzhen, and Hangshan. Myself and 20 other students from my school lived at East China Normal University for about a month and stayed in a hotel in Beijing for 2 days. The dorms were very nice and modern even though it did take us a while to figure out the Wi-Fi and the heating system. We had both a guide and a translator from CAPA with us for the majority of the trip, which was really helpful and CAPA was also gracious enough to all us to visit many popular sites in China, like the Great Wall, temples, the Yu Garden and the Bund. In addition, we tried some traditional Chinese food like frog, lychees and many different types of fish. I highly recommend taking a trip to Coco Party which is like a little cafe in Shanghai that has amazing milk shakes and sandwiches. My favorite memory is when about 7 of us decided to go to Yellow Mountain. The views were breath taking and you also get a good work-out. Overall, I enjoyed the entire trip and I hope to travel to more places in the future.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed