Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The IVHQ program in India was awesome! All the staffs were very helpful and so nice! The orientation was very organized and super fun! I made so many friends from all over the world during my stay in India, along with so many cherishable memories I would never forget. However, the one thing I would never forget during my stay in India would be the time I spent with the children in the slum teaching program. All the children in the B.V.N Slum School were amazing, funny, and eager to learn English! I taught 4th grade through 10th grade and they were all so special that I even went to school on Saturdays to teach them! I regret volunteering for only 4 weeks here, if I could, I would have stayed so much longer! It broke my heart to say goodbye to all the children I taught because we became so close over my short period here. I'm happy I chose IVHQ India for my first volunteering abroad experience because they helped me tremendously to transition smoothly for my stay!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed