Amazing Summer Experience in Costa Rica

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

I really enjoyed my time in Costa Rica with Sol. I tried a bunch of new things (foods and activities), I spent some awesome time in nature, I met some really cool people, I lived with a kind host family, and I improved my Spanish. I really appreciated that the first several weekends had arranged travel, but then the weekends after that were open for us to travel as we pleased. This arrangement worked well because it gave us time to get acclimated to our surroundings before sending us off on our own. By the end of my time in Costa Rica, I felt that I had grown a lot in independence and courage. I was more willing explore new places on my own, and this is a skill that will serve me well in the rest of my life.
My favorite memory of my trip is swimming in the bottom of La Fortuna waterfall. It was so gorgeous that it almost didn't seem like real life. I'll never forget it.

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Year Completed