Amazing Learning Experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

From the time I stepped off the plane, the individuals at IVHQ and Sustainable Coastlines were there to support me in any way possible. I learned so much, took so many great photos and videos, and met some truly amazing people on this adventure.

The first week we got to meet their main partner, a Maori tribe called the Ngati Whatua Orakei. I personally felt a spiritual connection to their land, the language, and the friendly faces that worked there. They were very open and expressive about their history, their gratitude for us, and their goals for the land that we are working on. The second week we got to work with on the Orakei land, as well as meet some new partners at the Kokako Lodge and the Kaipatiki Project. And we did my favorite part, planting trees!

I cannot say enough about how much I learned and got to experience. The locals were so nice, gave some great recommendations, and every single person involved with this volunteer program was kind, considerate, and cooperative. I felt valued as an individual and volunteer, and I valued the program's proactive stance on clean water and beaches, sustainability, and actions toward a less single-use world.

To see more about my work in New Zealand and how much I loved it, check out my vlog at

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed