Best Experience Yet

Academics: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

CYA was amazing. The neighborhood was perfect and there was always something to do. Night life is so fun! Nadia always sent out a weekly news letter with events around town which was soooo helpful and Jennifer was always ready to find something for you! There is so much to see and explore. Greeks are so welcoming and they have a way of making you feel as though you never left home. I was so nervous at first and extremely home-sick at one point but its all a part of the process and it did not last forever. I wouldn't change anything about my experiences or how I felt because everything fell into place. This experience was life-changing and I can't wait to go back! Home-stay was great and not very far and the farmer's market was the best part along with the waffles from Poco Poco <3. The field trips were very hands on and you get to learn about ancient Greece. The islands were so beautiful and you really get an opportunity to travel that you could not get anywhere else. The staff were passionate about the sites which made it more interesting and not so boring. Overall, CYA is a must! Get ready for the best gyros, waffle ice-cream, and tons of coffee! Also, be ready to party!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed