Better than you would've expected

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Growing up I have always been taught that Vietnam is a dangerous and dirty place. However, IVHQ had a way of making it feel all the opposite. All staff members were good at english and extremely friendly. The accommodation itself had great air conditioning, quality running water, and weekly cleaning services. There was security to open and lock the gate during later hours. The food was delicious and more flavorful than expected. For whichever program that you do, you will be free to roam the city or whatever you'd like around 4 p.m. and resume volunteering the next day. You would be free all weekend! It was my birthday and Christmas when I went and it was all made special because of the green lion staff. I am forever grateful. I also volunteered with special needs children and I left in tears. I did not want to leave and you should expect to leave touched and inspired as well. I was afraid that I would not like the trip and would not want to come back. I was afraid that I would be alone. But, I was wrong. I miss Vietnam and the staff members of IVHQ. I would definitely do the program again or even have my own trip and visit my new friends. Don't be afraid to ask for information or any questions because IVHQ will not hesitate to help.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed