Totally Worth it, if You Really Engage

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Safety: 5

The biggest piece of advice I could give anyone coming to Brighton is to get involved! It's literally so important to get to know the locals and it really helps to have some friendly faces around. The best decision I have ever made was joining a society, it made my experience here completely worth it. I stayed for a full year and have no regrets, and sometimes even wish I could stay longer. Brighton is super independent, interesting, open, and as much fun as YOU make it. It's a big, little city and there is always something new to find, from vinyl shops to charity shops to restaurants to retail shops (most of which offer student discounts, don't be afraid to ask!), I guarantee you'll find a place you'll fall in love with. Only words of caution I would give is if you decide to live on the falmer campus, you will need a bus pass (good news is there is an app with student deals) to get into town and the Night Bus (starting usually at midnight) can feel like forever–due to extra stops. The grades are very different (I promise 70%+ is an A, don't panic) and schooling in general is more independent work. You will have plenty of free time to hang out with the new friends you make! Last bit of advice is to not let the common language fool you, England is it's own unique place with it's own slang and differences (if you're from the US like me you might be confused at times, though most people will clear up the confusion if you just ask), it's just like studying abroad any other place, you will have to learn the culture and be able to go with the flow in order to really enjoy your time.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed