Czech out this program

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I have nothing but amazing things to say about this program. Not only did it change my life, I had experiences and made friends that are incredible beyond words. CEA does an excellent job of preparing, hosting, and supporting your entire study abroad experience. From excursions to helpful staff members, loaning travel books and providing fitness activities, they make your experience in Prague extremely well-rounded and allow you to integrate into the community like a local. My apartment, located in the heart of the city next to regular Czechs, was one of my favorite aspects. Not only was it a place to call home each day, it was a way that I felt fully rooted in the community of the culture. Prague is a perfectly-central location that makes travel to and from quite easy. Being landlocked, bus and train land travel can be done quickly and affordably. The city itself is very inexpensive and perfect for a student. Because it is further east, it attracts fewer tourists and allows students to feel like an actual citizen rather than simply a visiting tourist. The culture is so unique and genuine. I could write pages on why my experience was incredible and if you're reading this, I encourage you to start your application for the CEA Prague program NOW!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed