Great experience with CET in Shanghai!

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I studied abroad through CET Shanghai in Fall 2017. I had an amazing experience, learning a lot about the language and culture and truly growing as a person through my time there. There were three main aspects that I really loved about the program, being the language, internship, and local roommates.

My Chinese language skills grew immensely throughout my time abroad. I honestly don't think there's any better way to learn a language than to actually be immersed in the culture and have to speak it daily, which is exactly what I got in Shanghai. Though it was difficult at times, especially when you needed help or guidance from locals who spoke no English, I feel confident that my language would not be where it is without going to Shanghai.

The internship experience that I got through CET was amazing. I could not have asked for a better placement. My internship provided me with amazing responsibility, skill-growth, and networking opportunities. I'm still in touch with my supervisor and definitely think I could use him and other people I met through the internship in the future for job searches. Though I had an amazing experience with the internship, I must admit not everyone had quite the same experience, and it's definitely important to make sure your internship is a good fit for you once you get there.

The final aspect of CET Shanghai that I found awesome was the local roommates. My roommate (and pretty much every roommate in the program) was absolutely amazing. She was so sweet and totally let me see a side of China that I would not have seen otherwise. All of the roommates in the program were amazing and I think it definitely helped me to assimilate and enjoy my experience.

I was extremely happy with my time in CET and could not have asked for a better abroad experience. However, it is important to say that it was difficult at times. The culture in China is very different than in the US, and though you can find outlets, at some points I definitely felt like an outsider. CET does a great job supporting you, but it's important to go into the program with an open mind and an understanding that living in China is not easy and definitely takes a great deal of maturity and acceptance of the culture around you. That being said, I think it's totally doable for anyone with that mindset and is a great opportunity to learn about the world and about yourself.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed