Multiple Locations +2
  • China
    • Beijing
    • Shanghai
    • Harbin
  • Taiwan
    • Taipei
Academic Year, Fall, J-Term, Spring, Summer
Subject Areas
Anthropology Asian American Studies Asian Studies Business Communications Cultural Studies Design East Asian Studies Economics Field Studies Finance Global Studies History Humanities International Business International Relations Journalism Language Studies Liberal Arts Linguistics Literature Marketing Political Science Psychology Public Health Public Policy Public Relations Social Sciences Sociology +19
Need-based funding, Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans, LGBTQIA+ funding, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Degree Level
Apartment Dormitory


Price Details
The CET program fee covers tuition, housing with a Chinese roommate, activities and excursions (including an overnight excursion), weekday lunches, medical insurance, visa fees and course materials/textbooks.

The program fee does not include transportation to/from the program and meals (other than those mentioned above).

Still wondering how to budget for your time abroad? CET offers scholarships, and CET staff is happy to provide advice on keeping discretionary purchases to a minimum (i.e., they can tell you where to get cheap eats).
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Classes Visa
Jul 08, 2024
May 06, 2024
30 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

CET Greater China Programs offer intensive language and internship options in four locations. Looking for a full-time language pledge to immerse yourself in Chinese language and culture? CET Beijing or CET Harbin (summer-only program) might be for you! Want to intern internationally while taking electives and improving your Chinese skills? Check out CET Shanghai or CET Taiwan! No matter which program you choose, you will have excellent faculty, staff support, and opportunities to learn and grow outside the classroom.

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Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

CET believes in making study abroad accessible to students of all races, religions, origins, abilities, gender identities, and sexual orientations. We’ve gathered experiences from BIPOC students to share as resources such as the Identity Abroad pages, Perspective Pieces, and Identity Abroad Support Networks. We are also dedicated to becoming a more anti-racist organization by transforming our workplace, programs, and industry with our Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Action Plan.

LGBTQIA+ Support

CET supports and welcomes students of all identities on our programs. We provide program-specific information under the cultural climate section of our Identity Abroad webpages for LGBTQ individuals in each of our program locations.

Neurodivergent Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. Disclosing early helps us to make proper preparations. The accommodations offered at each program can be found on each program location's Identity Abroad page. These pages can provide a good idea about what classes are like in terms of workload and class time. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can also help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.

Accessibility Support

CET makes every effort to offer accommodations comparable to that of the students’ home institution. The levels of accessibility, from wheelchair accessibility to extra time on exams, are under each program location’s Identity Abroad page. Initiating one-on-one conversations with Student Service Coordinators can help inform students' decisions and determine if a program will be a good fit.



CET is an environmentally conscientious organization at our headquarters in DC and programs all around the world. In each of our centers, we adopt local measures to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to sustainable practices. As part of our ongoing efforts towards sustainability, we’ve partnered with Cool Effect, a nonprofit focused on reducing carbon emissions through scientifically-proven, hand-selected carbon projects worldwide. For each trip taken by one of our staff members, travelers, or students, we donate to support three carbon projects chosen by staff volunteers every year.

Ethical Impact

When we set up a program overseas, we become a part of that local community. And as a community member, we are responsible for contributing to local initiatives in meaningful ways. Our website lists some local philanthropic organizations that help us fulfill this responsibility—they host our students, and we support their missions.

Program Highlights

  • Chinese language classes
  • One-on-one sessions for targeted learning
  • Full-time language pledge or Internship for optional credit
  • Local roommates
  • Out-of-classroom assignments & learning

Popular Programs

Students on Great Wall

CET Beijing is an intensive language program for college students of all levels. Grow your conversation skills with a full-time language pledge, local roommate, and extra-curricular activities, all in addition to Chinese language courses taught by our experienced faculty.

CET Shanghai

CET Shanghai offers a wide range of elective options, as well as the opportunity to pursue an internship abroad! Your local roommate and language course(s) will help you learn more of the language, whether you are new to Chinese or more advanced.

Students in Taroko Gorge

This program gives you access to the best parts of study abroad—intensive, customized language classes, internship opportunities in Chinese and English-speaking environments, and a location that balances life in the city with quick getaways to nature.

Students at landmark in Harbin

Are you an advanced Chinese language learner with several semesters under your belt looking for an immersive experience? CET Harbin may be perfect for you! Grow your language skills in one-on-one tutorials and through out-of-class activities with local roommates—all in one summer.

Program Reviews

4.73 Rating
based on 154 reviews
  • 5 rating 75.32%
  • 4 rating 23.38%
  • 3 rating 0.65%
  • 2 rating 0.65%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4.55
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.4
  • Housing 4.35
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 1 - 8 of 154 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Unforgettable Experience in Taipei, Taiwan

My journey in Taipei, Taiwan has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment I arrived, I felt embraced by the warmth and hospitality of both the local community and the CET staff who supported me throughout my stay. The transition to life as a student in Taiwan was a little difficult at first, but thanks to the guidance and assistance provided every step of the way I acclimated just fine. One of the most remarkable aspects of my time in Taipei has been the genuine welcome extended to me by the Taiwanese people. Despite the occasional curious glance, I've been met with nothing but kindness and generosity.
Enjoying Taiwanese cuisine has been a highlight of my experience. From mouthwatering street food to exquisite traditional dishes, the diverse and affordable options never cease to amaze me. Exploring the countless drink stores and sampling various teas and bubble milk drinks has been a delightful adventure in itself.
Navigating Taipei's public transportation system, particularly the MRT, has been a breeze. Despite being new to relying on public transportation, I found the MRT to be incredibly efficient and easy to navigate, allowing me to explore the city and beyond with ease.
In just short three months, I've had the opportunity to immerse myself in Taiwanese culture, both in Taipei and beyond. Exploring historic landmarks, savoring local delicacies, and venturing outside the city to experience the breathtaking landscapes have left me with memories that will last a lifetime.
Overall, my study abroad experience in Taipei, Taiwan has been extremely transformative. It has not only broadened my understanding of the Chinese language, but has also enriched my cultural understanding and personal growth in ways I never imagined possible. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to have lived and learned in this captivating city. I would whole-heartedly recommend the program to anyone seeking an unforgettable adventure abroad.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I was able to travel to Sun Moon Lake, located in the middle of the island, about four hour bus drive south from Taipei. Sun Moon Lake was the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life. The water was such a pretty green-blue color, the locals were so welcoming, and the food was absolutely amazing. My friend and I were able to spend so much time on the water, we also took a gondola ride into the mountains, and made a short hike to visit the nearby Buddhist Pagoda. The view from the Pagoda was even more breathtaking. As soon as we left I started to miss the paradise that is Sun Moon Lake so badly. I still dream about it and I hope to bring my family there one day.
  • Amazing, and affordable food
  • Location/commuting from apartment to NTU
  • Having freedom to travel to other parts of Taiwan
  • Earthquakes
  • Sometimes hang drying clothes can be troublesome
  • Intense humidity
14 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Harisen,

Your enthusiasm for the city's warmth, cuisine, and culture shines. It's clear that your time in Taiwan has been both transformative and enriching. Thank you for sharing your experience (and amazing photos) from CET Taiwan!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CET Taiwan

During my time abroad in Taiwan, I experienced significant personal growth, learning to live independently and become more self-sufficient. I studied at National Taiwan University where my Chinese classes were rigorous but rewarding. Although the classes were relatively fast paced, my teacher was patient and understanding so I managed to keep up with the curriculum effectively. Additionally, CET was amazing and provided so many on campus resources as well as opportunities for off campus activities. I was particularly impressed with the reimbursement system that allowed students to be reimbursed for cultural activities and language partner meetings. I also appreciated how secure I felt in Taiwan, thanks to its navigable cityscape and extensive public transportation options. Overall, my time in Taiwan was enriching, marked by fulfilling language classes and newfound independence.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
While visiting Taitung I had the opportunity to try some local indigenous food during the Bunun Ear Shooting Festival.
  • Delicious Cuisine
  • Safe and Easy to Navigate
12 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Molly,

We're delighted that you enjoyed the resources and activities provided by CET. Thank you for choosing CET for your study abroad program—we hope you visit in the future!

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Overall Experience

I have to say that I overall I had a great experience. I have never before felt more like a University Student in my life. My courses has been challenging, but has been helpful in improving my Mandarin Chinese. Living and Getting Around the city of Taipei has been extremely convenient with the recommendations to purchase the T-Pass etc. What I like especially is how easy it is really to find things to do that are free or relatively low price as well. I am never bored here, but able to appreciate moments of relaxations as well.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate was that I ate stinky tofu.
  • Ease of transportation
  • Reimbursements
  • The food
  • Changing classes
  • Unpredictable weather
  • Lots of housing maintenance issues
19 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Noah,

Thanks for leaving us a review. It seems like you had a great semester studying at CET Taiwan!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CET Taiwan Fall 2023

TLDR: CET is difficult but overall a great experience

Taipei is an amazing city with so much to do from food to sightseeing to nightlife. It felt a little overwhelming at times, but it was mostly fun. Take advantage of the weekends to take trips to other parts of Taiwan with friends, like Jiufen, Hualien, Penghu, Beitou, and Tainan--those weekend trips were the highlights of my CET experience, but Taipei itself is great too. I came to CET with almost no Chinese language skills, and I improved rapidly with the language course through NTU. The electives I took were not my favorite--the 3-hour classes, even though they were only once a week felt really long.

The biggest piece of advice I have for anyone considering traveling to Taiwan in the future is consider what kind of study abroad experience you want to have. If you are really invested in improving your Chinese language skills or experiencing a different culture, I'd highly recommend CET Taiwan. But if you want a more laid-back, fun experience, CET might not be the right program for you (CET was fun but not in the traditional sense you imagine for a program in say, Italy). Again, I'd highly recommend CET Taiwan and just Taiwan as a place to visit in your life. It just depends what you are trying to get out of your experience.

  • Rapidly improved language skills
  • Food is delicious and cheap
  • Taiwan is a beautiful country with all kinds of sights (mountains, beaches, urban areas)
  • Time difference (hard to communicate with people from home)
  • Classes are rigorous and time-intensive, so not a lot of time for sight-seeing
  • If you are a beginner at Chinese, day-to-day communication with locals can be difficult
41 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Zoe,

Thanks for your review! Your advice was sound, and reading about your language gains through NTU was great :)

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An Unforgettable Study Away Experience

CET Taiwan overall was a great experience for me. I was able to improve my Chinese, experience Taipei and other cities, and make meaningful connections with locals. I thoroughly enjoyed and felt challenged in my Chinese course that was taught by the Chinese Language Division at NTU. However, I didn't like the CET elective that I took. The format of the class and the professor were disengaging, and it felt like I just wanted to get it over with every time I went to class. One thing I enjoyed about the CET program was living with a local Taiwanese roommate and having language partners. This allowed me to make friends easily and practice conversational Chinese often. Taipei is such a great location. There is always something fun to do in the city and the transportation makes it easy to explore. The people are also very friendly! I definitely want to visit Taiwan again in the future.

43 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Lilly,

Thank you for leaving a honest and thoughtful review. We hope you do visit Taiwan in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CET Taiwan Fall 2023

There are a lot of reasons that my semester with CET in Taipei was an awesome experience. CET does a really good job of encouraging you to immerse as much as possible in the local community (like the language partner program, local roommates cultural reimbursements, travel reimbursements, organized programs, etc) while also providing a lot of support and planning for you (housing, orientation, metro pass, programs, etc). While being in a language study program does mean you spend a lot of your time in class with other study abroad students and not locals, having local roommates and built in language partner program was a really unique chance to make connections and friendships with local students, and definitely helps to balance out the bubble of only hanging out with other Americans that can be an easy routine to fall into. In terms of location, Taipei is such a great city to live in and there are endless things to do for whatever you love; amazing hiking and nature, BIKING!!, history and museums, night life and night markets, sports culture, etc, all easily reachable by the safe and accessible public transit systems. The food I ate during my semester abroad is by far the best food I've ever eaten, and also the cheapest.
The academic culture of this program and Taiwan in general should definitely be considered before coming. There is a heavy focus on academics and you will be spending a lot of time in class and studying outside of class. While it is an adjustment to make, I think it is overall a good opportunity to learn how to prioritize time management, because you will have to put in effort to make time for all of the things you want to do/explore.
Looking back, my favorite things about Taipei became the routines I created for myself. The riverside bike path that runs all around the city is extremely lively all afternoon and night, and realizing that going on nighttime runs was something that was safe to do in Taiwan was a game changer for me: this little routine became one of my favorite things to do after my busy days of class and interning, and is one of the places I'll miss the most. Finding a nearby food alley in the neighborhood my apartment was in also became a part of the daily routine, and becoming friendly with the owners of my go-to breakfast street cart or braised pork restaurant really contributed to the sense of home in the corner of Taipei that I lived in.
Traveling all over Taiwan was undoubtably a huge highlight of this semester as well. The HSR and train systems make going virtually anywhere in Taiwan really easy as well as affordable. My favorite part of traveling in Taiwan is that Taiwan is not a major international tourist hub, and so traveling within the country was a really cool way to get a sense of the different local indigenous and regional culture. One of my favorite trips was over Mid-Autumn Festival, when my roommates and myself visited family of one of my roommates in Chang-hua (a small rural city). We were able to stay with her Taiwanese cousins and celebrate moon festival and barbecue with them.
These are just a few of my biggest takeaways from my semester abroad. I am so grateful for the three months I got to spend in Taipei, and know that it is a place I want to be a part of my life in the future.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
I participated in CET’s internship program, and interned for Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (the ruling party of Taiwan). The timing of my internship, especially given the upcoming presidential election, meant that I was able to attend and assist with a lot of major events. A moment I will never forget was in my very first week in the program, I was working an international conference the DPP was hosting in Taipei. There was a high-profile gala held on the last night of the conference, and somehow another intern and I were put in charge of recognizing and greeting the VIP guest list. I remember being assigned this job and almost not believing they would actually give first-week foreign intern this responsibility. I was responsible for recognizing all of these people who I had never seen before that night, and the stakes felt incredibly high, given they were some of the most well-respected people in Taiwanese politics. It felt like every few minutes, my supervisor would come over to us and point someone out and say something like, “oh yeah, thats a senior advisor to the president.” The nerves paid off, though, and by the end of the night, despite the slight language barrier, I had had some unbelievable conversations with the people on my list, who were all incredibly kind and welcoming.
  • Huge language skills improvement
  • Taiwanese people are so friendly and welcoming
  • Safety
  • Time difference (communication with home is hard)
  • Work-centered culture
  • Busy schedule can make it hard to find time to explore
43 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Eliza,

Thanks for taking the time to write a review! With the routines you created in Taiwan, it shows that you found different ways to make Taipei your "home" that you can always return to in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer in Taiwan: CET Taiwan 2023

Classes: I took Mandarin classes at National Taiwan University's CLD during the weekdays. The courses are pretty difficult, we went through units quickly and were tested very regularly, but the professors are understanding and are happy to work with students. The test taken to determine your level before the program begins is pretty holistic, and I felt comfortable at the level I was placed in.

Housing: Most housing was around 30 minutes away from NTU's campus. Some were further, which meant other students had a long commute. My apartment was in a very nice neighborhood and was a clean environment. Cleaners came bi-weekly to clean the apartment, but daily chores were done by myself and my roommates. We created a schedule to clean and take out trash and kept our living areas clean. If anything in the apartment broke or went wrong, such as AC units or getting locked out, CET was always on call to help us out.

Programming: CET admin planned a lot of events that were very engaging and well attended by students. We visited museums, attended theatre shows, did local tours, and even went to a Guardians baseball game. Sometimes, events seemed a little disorganized, but they were always fun to attend.

Internships: The summer program gives you the option to intern as well as take CLD classes. We had weekly meetings with the CET admin to check in about our roles and expectations at our different placement sites, and they were helpful. My internship was amazing, and I got really close with the other interns and my supervisor.

  • Learning Mandarin
  • Internship Oppertunities
  • Fun Programming
  • Difficult Course
49 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi Jewel,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for us (and including some photos)!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CET Phillips Summer in Taiwan Review

My Phillips Summer abroad in Taiwan program was excellent. The program was cultural immersion so I had no Chinese prior to attending, and survival Chinese gave me just enough to make my way through Taiwan. The program allows for travel across Taiwan to places like Hualien and Toroko, up to Jiufen. The building we studied in at NTU was fantastic along with our professor Ken. Our program leader Greta was fantastic along with our culture buddies. Within our program housing was hit or miss with one group getting far superior living conditions. The program could be improved by spreading out more of the activities beyond the first week and allowing for more interaction between other CET programs in the country, but really the program was fantastic.

  • Amazing advising
  • Well organized
  • Accessible
  • Variable Housing
  • Packed First Week
47 people found this review helpful.
Response from CET Academic Programs

Hi William,

Thank you for leaving a review for us, and for including the YouTube montage 😲!

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