Can't Wait to go Back

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Before arriving in Zambia I was nervous in anticipation of what was to come. I had never travelled on my own and I wasn't sure what to expect of the medical volunteer project. After arriving and being welcomed by a friendly staff and crew of volunteers I immediately felt at home and never looked back. The two weeks that followed my arrival left me with memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Not only were the projects organized and fun, I also felt like I was actually helping people in the local communities. From Home-based care, to Devil's pool, to bungee jumping, to Chobe and to everything in between I did not want to come home.

I remember one morning while on home-based care, we visited a very sick woman who was left with little energy and strength. Although we couldn't do too much to improve her condition, we were able to provide her with some temporary relief. Following treatment, she made the effort to leave her home and find us amongst the community to tell us that she was feeling better and to thank us for our work. She, just like many of the other patients we saw, was overcome with gratitude because we were willing to sit down, listen to her and help her. In my opinion, there is no better feeling then helping someone and knowing that they were appreciative of your efforts. I cannot put to words how truly amazing my experience was, I only hope that you chose to volunteer with African Impact as well.

If I could offer one piece of advice to a prospective volunteer I would say: "Don't be nervous about diving into the unknown." Although you may never have done anything like this and may never have travelled as far away as Africa, I promise that you will not regret this trip. The whole African Impact team (staff, volunteers and otherwise) was full of amazing people who will make sure your trip is not only safe and enjoyable, but also memorable.

My only regret is that I didn't stay longer than two weeks (I will stay for at least a month the next time I go).

Thank you to everyone at the Livingstone Backpackers for such an amazing experience.

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Yes, I would