Unforgettable Experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I have always wanted to come to Ireland ever since I can remember and when I found this program, I knew this is how I wanted to spend part of my gap year. I loved all the activities we participated in having to do with learning about leadership and life skills as well as the adventures and volunteering we did in the outdoors surrounded by nature. It was so nice to go on trips around to different parts of Ireland while also have a home base back in the beautiful town of Bundoran. We all learned how to work together as a group and live with people with different personalities and backgrounds while also making lasting friendships. The leaders were all exceptionally helpful in every aspect and made sure to have a good balance of supporting each and every one of us while also making sure to give us our own freedom and independence. This program helped me grow as a person and I discovered so much about myself and the people around me. I gained so many skills that I will take home with me and use throughout my life. Irish Gap Year gave me an incredible experience of a lifetime and I highly recommend this program to anyone that is interested.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed