Steer Clear!!!!!

Impact: 5
Support: 2
Fun: 4
Value: 3
Safety: 1

Overall I had an amazing experience in India, but there were times where I felt ripped off by the people in charge of my project. If you are interested in volunteering in Faridabad I would strongly advise you to steer clear of a man named Dr. Bandou. The money that you give him does not go where it is supposed to go and I am not the first volunteer to experience this. The money that you give him goes to him and not to help the families or community like it is said to go. Every person that knows him knows that he is a very sneaky man. India is amazing but this program would be much more profitable without this man. I am very young and I was told I was going to a girls hostel for three weeks. Without telling me, he placed me and another volunteer in a host family and took us to a school the next day where all of the teachers did not know why we were there. They kept asking us why we had come and how long we would be staying. I cleared everything up and we taken to the right placement only after I spoke up. At the end of my project, I asked him if he could provide for me to take me to the airport. My flight was in the middle of the night so it would not have been safe for me to travel alone on the metro. He refused and said that I could either pay more or that I could find my own way. I am 18 and maybe Im wrong but I dont think that girls my age should be traveling at night alone. The organization should provide transportation to and from the airport. I was picked up from the airport so I see no problem in being dropped off at the airport. Just a friendly warning to stay away from the wrong people. India was amazing and I would go back in a heartbeat, but I will only go back if my volunteering has nothing to do with Dr. Bandou.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not