You will love Colombia...

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I partipated in the 6 week program and then extended as I was enjoying it so much. I initially signed up for teaching children but at orientation the founder Monica shows me some other projects and I ended up choosing to work with injured military veterans.

The soldiers and officers in my class were learning English to become English instructors with the hope of attending a more advanced course in the USA.

My daily routine consisted of breakfast at 7.30am with all the other volunteers, preparation for my class and then class between 10am and 1pm. I would then often stay at the military to provide additional tuition to the students or other soldiers learning English.

I also had the opportunity to work at some of the other project - cooking lunch for the abandoned Grandmas and helping with a self defence class for the teenage girls at the orphanage.I also organised for my military class to go on a field trip to the orphanage where they taught an English class. It was a proud moment for me and both the soldiers and kids loved it.

In terms of safety and fun, I found Bogota to be safe, especially in the area where our apartment is. There are lots of opportunities to visit the local attractions and plenty to do! The nightlife is so much fun - everybody dances and has a great time!

I took Spanish lessons twice a week which were very affordable at 30,000 for 1 hour 30 mins (about $15).

Finally, Colombians are so friendly, fun and welcoming - there is so much need in Colombia but you will also have a great time too. I think that is the perfect mix!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would