Studying Abroad in New Zealand

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I participated in the marketing and communications expedition and internship program with Massey University. I had such an incredible study abroad experience! I had the opportunity to travel around New Zealand for 2 weeks with a group of about 30 people who I became good friends with. During the expedition, I got to see many beautiful places in New Zealand and got to hear from marketing and tourism professionals throughout the country. After completing the expedition part of the program, I interned with a nonprofit in Wellington. During my internship I did mostly social media marketing for an event but also was given the freedom and support to create a campaign with the other interns promoting the event. With this opportunity, I was able to see so much of New Zealand, meet amazing people, immerse myself in a new culture, and develop my digital marketing skills. Participating in this program was truly a life-changing experience and I would recommend it to everyone! Side note: you’ll definitely get the travel bug after this program!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would