Teaching students English in Korea

Benefits: 5
Support: 3
Fun: 3
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

Choosing a program can be daunting because future teachers wonder what program they should go through or if they should go through any recruiter program. I went through CIEE because I wanted to feel more secure in getting my documents to South Korea.
My friend actually told me about CIEE abroad and I found it quickly after a search on the Internet.
I picked Korea because the Asian countries seemed to be the best paying and I had student loans to pay off. Korea seemed to be the least culturally different from what I read online/ watched on YouTube.
I'm in the EPIK program now. CIS was just my recruiter that I payed extra money for to help me apply. I also did my class through them. It took 3 months to do the class and 6 months to get accepted into the EPIK program.

Do they require teaching experience?
Only the class and and a bachelor's degree are required

Did they cover the class?
No, I had to pay for the class!! But they do reimburse you for your plane ticket after one month of working here plus they give you a nice entrance bonus
I'm still here and I might be staying for a while. It's not for everyone but I really like it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed