50+ Volunteer Feels At Home in Morocco!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

Wonderful opportunity to push my own envelope of experiences! The CCS home base in Rabat was an experience in and of itself. Truly warm and welcoming staff and program managers. The age range and nationalities of the volunteers in the program was wonderfully diverse and provided many 'down time' opportunities for establishing new friendships among the volunteers.

My assignment for the two weeks was teaching English to adults at a local foundation. Lots of preparation each day for the class as it seemed to attract new students all the time, but I had plenty of support from the program manager when needed . I so enjoyed my students -we even met on the one day a week that the facility was closed -- sitting outside having a informal discussions in some French, some English, some Arabic while we poured over maps of the US and magazines I had brought.

The food was so fresh and so beautifully presented by our CCS home base cooks and they opened the kitchen to us to teach us how to make several of the special dishes and pastries.

Because of the orientation to the country and culture while at the program, I felt well prepared to journey across the country via Marrakesh by myself to spend my last few days in Morocco in the beautiful coastal town of Essaouira!

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Yes, I would