Jaguar Conservation Costa Rica

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 4

I spent just two weeks in Costa Rica with GVI, but in that short time alone, I felt I had gained so much.
Upon arriving I was greeted by a group of people who welcomed me instantly. The level of knowledge and enthusiasm each and every staff member and volunteer has is huge, and really inspired me to learn and become part of the team. I received training regarding the huge biodiversity of the Tortuguero National Park, as well as in data collection methods and practices key to life in the jungle. Although there is a lot to learn quickly, being out everyday helping with various programs allows you to put it all into practice.
Although the experience brought with it some challenges, such as physical exertion and living conditions that take some getting used to, they are 100% worth it, not only to be able to witness the good that is being done, but also in the personal sense of achievement.
As someone who has struggled with Anxiety, there were some moments before and during the program where I felt I was struggling, but the support of the staff and attitude on base that means no one needs to do anything they aren't comfortable with, these moments passed quickly.
I am to be back in the Jalova base before the year is out!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed