Irreplaceable, inestimable value

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Been sitting here for half an hour trying to find the words to describe my experience in Fiji but none seem to do it justice.
This experience will blow your mind. You will leave as a different person. Day after day you will start valuing a smile rather than a new phone, you will cherish company rather than dollar bills and you will comprehend that you have been oblivious for what feels like centuries of the true meaning of being rich.
They take you in as family. They share, they care, they give. You will never want to leave.
Everyday you will face new challenges that sculpture you into someone new. You can teach children that are eager to learn, you will experience true paradise and you will be blessed with the kindness of the happiest people on earth, THE FIJIANS who i love so dearly.
Before taking this big step of travelling alone for the first time, all I knew about Fiji was that it existed. Now i can tell you - If you go there you will never want to leave. I can only encourage anyone and everyone to come out of their comfort zone and JUST DO IT!
Au lomani noqu viti

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