Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 5
Job Assistance: 5

I am a teacher from Nigeria. My oversees teaching experience began after I had a 120 hour TEFL course with ITTT TEFL.
In the past, I had always believed my teaching career was limited to my country, because Nigeria is not categorized as a Native English country, though I studied English Education. But after I read some articles from ITTT on the possibility of teaching English abroad as a non-native, I registered for the 120 hours online course. Sincerely speaking, it was indeed a wonderful experience for me. I got introduced to different modern methodologies of teaching people of different ages and backgrounds.

Oh, I can't forget how challenging it was to get through with my lesson plan. It was rejected twice, but with the step-by-step guidance and assistance from the reviewer, I was able to get it right the third time. Few hours later, I got the soft copy of my TEFL certificate, and in less than two weeks, the hard copy was delivered to me.

Getting a job was made easier through the regular job posts on ITTT TEFL Facebook page. From there I got my first offer from Mexico, and the second offer from Turkey. It is important to note that I was able to perform excellently well during my job interviews because of the correct application of what I learnt from the 120 hours course.

And within the last three years that I completed this program, I have recommended the program to a large number of Teachers, who also have unique testimonies about how the program has changed their ESL teaching career.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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You are the best. Keep up the good work!