Your Money's Worth

Instruction: 4
Support: 4
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

This is an accredited Course. That's the very first thing I wanna tell you. Secondly, the course without tutors is inexpensive compared to others I've seen out there. You can find free online TEFL courses which I checked out thinking I could save some money and would NOT recommend. I quickly returned to the ITTT website and signed up. The free course of that other website was filled with so many grammatical errors, you'd be ashamed of yourself if you ended up with a certificate like that.

ITTT is definitely worth the $239usd I spent for my 120hr course with no tutor. I loved the choice of being able to complete this course over 180 days. The multiple choice questions are not a walk over, so don't underestimate them. Tread carefully because you need a really good average to complete the course. I'm not gonna lie, there were times I hated having to do the MCQ's because I just wanted to hurry and do everything but the more you rush, the more your grades will suffer. So slow down and try to do 2 units per day if you see that the units are short enough for you to do that. You need a 70% average to pass but don't limit yourself to that. You need patience as well to do this, trust me. I signed up in December and completed my course in February of 2018. The lesson plan was the hardest challenge I faced with this online course but I completed everything and now I have my pristine certification for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I was so proud of myself that I updated my resume with my new acquisition the very day I got it in the mail. Now, I work in China teaching children and the course units helped me prepare for it. Units like classroom management, lesson planning, and different ESA strategies have helped me in the classroom. Plus, after getting your certicate they also send you emails to tell you which countries you can find a job in and their blog has many helpful topics I browse through. The most recent one that caught my eye was saving for your student loans. So yeah, I would recommend ITTT to you to get started in the ESL world. I absolutely see how I got my money's worth with this course.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed