Good crash course in ESL teaching

Instruction: 4
Support: 3
Value: 5
Academic Rigor: 1
Job Assistance: 4

This program provided basic education in what is expected from an English teacher abroad, but I would not consider this a true 120 hour course. I completed this course as a requirement to obtain a working visa in China, however I had previous teaching experience (just not a degree). If you already have experience and need a cost-effective addition to your resume, this is perfect. The information is useful, and being able to download and review course materials after completion is helpful, but the course is very easy to skim and still pass with flying colours. I was able to complete the 120 hour course in just over a week's worth of 2 hour long sessions. This makes for a great refresher for someone who's been away from teaching for a while, but if you're passionate about ESL teaching and want to learn a lot, opt for a true 120-hr in person course rather than the online version.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed