
Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

CET Beijing Intensive language program allowed me to improve my Chinese at a incredible pace. At some points it felt like I was not improving at all- but when I called my friends (also Chinese majors) back home or had a full conversation with a stranger in Chinese, I knew that my Chinese language level was constantly improving. The professors and environment that CET exposed me to has made me feel comfortable with the language, to the point that when I came back to America I still found myself saying "谢谢", "好", "对", and other simple phrases to my friends, family, and strangers. Another example of how CET allowed me to be more comfortable with Chinese is that some words I think of first in Chinese. The language environment was a unique experience that every single person benefited from. I think my favorite part of the program was that it allowed me to slowly find my personality in Chinese, for example, I loved being able to make jokes with my friends and roommate. The program classes were not as intensive as I thought they would be (probably due to the lower level I was placed in), but that did give me a chance to explore Beijing and other parts of China.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
Private Note to Provider (optional)
I personally wish I would have been placed higher, but there we pros and cons to staying in my placement. I wish that they would be more consistently strict about the language pledge, especially in the dorms. There should be less of a threat of "you'll be kicked out" and more emphasis on taking students in and having a discussion reminding them why the language pledge is important for themselves and other people around them. I think this should be applied if they assume or overhear that a student is not following the pledge and impacting their peers. At these times they should not give the student a warning but have a non-threatening conversation that allows them to be self aware and reminded about the program's and their own goals.