IVHQ India

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My experience with IVHQ was absolutely amazing - never before had I gone on a trip like this and I can definitely say that I am looking forward to doing many more. It's a fantastic way to make a contribution while still travelling the world.

The IVHQ staff were so friendly and more than helpful whenever help was needed. I was lucky enough to be accommodated in a homestay for the first week of my trip, which was a great way to learn about the Indian culture and has really opened my eyes to the very different way of life that exists there. I also found that despite being far away from the centre of New Delhi, the suburban setting really forced me to see and experience what India is really like with such remarkable authenticity. There is no doubt that I learnt more about India than I could have if I had chosen to stay in a hostel or hotel - and the experience was that much more rewarding. Through IVHQ, all the meals were provided and they were all so delicious - I tried dishes that I never would've tried back home.

The project itself was amazing and some of my most fond memories India are from the health clinic and from the schools that I went to. For me, this trip really solidified my passion to pursue a career in medicine and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to assist in the way that I could. Even though I know I wasn't able to make a massive difference, there was still something special about knowing that I had made even made the slightest contribution to the health crisis in India - and this is something I will remember for a long time.

In addition to the program, India was a beautiful country to visit and combining travel with volunteer work was such a great mix. All in all, I 100% recommend IVHQ as anyones volunteer program. The friendships I made and the experiences we shared are indescribable.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed