My experience in Tanzania

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I'll start by writting that I really enjoy my stay in Tanzania. It was maybe one of best experiences I've ever had.

At first it was hard because I had to help in a school for blind children and with no experience at all I thought I would have been so hard. But as days gone by I felt more and more confident with the whole situation. The teachers really hepl us, first they thought us braile so that we could communicate with the children. SO, it was definatelly a different and amazing experience. Although some days seems like we weren't doing anything (because the lenguage barrier and them being blind was difficult) after month has gone by we were really connected with the children. Really amazing.

The staff was amazing, they helped us since day 1 when they pick us up at the airpodrt. They helped us with the papers and accomodations and pretty much everything. We could always relly on them when we had troubles and they move to make our stay as confortable as possible. I didn't really expect a nice bed and meals, but even though I was in the countryside with a family I stay in a ¡nice house with 8 other volunteers and there was always food for us, so I never worry about that.

There were some fears about staying in Arusha but I really felt safe all the time eventhough me and other volunteer had to travel for an hour and a half to get to the school. The local people were always vey nice, sometimes they bother you trying to sell you stuff but once you go passs that I think the city otself is very safe (if you take the proper precautions of course).

Bottom line is you should definatelly try volunteering here.

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