Most beautiful place

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This must definitely be one of the most special places I have visited in my life. I fell in love the moment I walked in. Tucked away in some huts in its (self planted) forest in rural India, lives a world wide community of volunteers, peacefully and harmoniously with each other and Mother Nature.
The vision of Sadhana Forest is a holistic one, much more than just planting trees, it tries to bring awareness to how we consume and our impact in all parts of life. This is not the theory, this is the practice. Here we realize we are part of nature and we can grow together with the forest. Moreover, you learn about veganism, natural learning, gift economy, permaculture and many more things!
It is part of the larger community of Auroville, a universal township for human unity and peace, founded 50 years ago, so there is always plenty of things to do and interesting people to meet.

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Year Completed