CIEE and OEG - Don't teach in Thailand without them!

Benefits: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Facilities: 3
Safety: 5

More updates pending recovery.

While I generally feel safe walking among the locals as well as the school I was placed at, operating a motor vehicle, particularly a motorcycle, on local roads is NOT an activity to be taken lightly in this part of the world! Be sure your vehicle registration, taxes, and insurance are up to date. Be sure you are licensed in your home country and Thailand for the class of vehicle you wish to operate. Be sure whatever travel medical insurance plans you have are up to date. Spending time in hospitals in any part of the world doesn't make for the most enjoyable experiences of your travels.

Communication difficulties will abound, even between the most educated of individuals. You'll need the patience of Job in order to get through them at times.

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Year Completed