The Most Amazing Experience

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 4

There is so much to tell about my experience! But I'll keep it to the major things.
Overall, Chiang Mai and Chiang Mai University were amazing and if I had the chance to go back tomorrow, I 100% would.
The Thai people we met along the way were so helpful and kind and happy to have us around.
I took the Buddhism in Thailand course, and it was the most eye opening and informational course. I learned so much about Thai religion, and subsequently culture, tried meditation for the first time, visited numerous temples, had chats with multiple monks and nuns, and got to experience an overnight stay in a forest temple in the Li district.
I think having the opportunity to meditate in a forest temple was a truly once in a lifetime experience. I had a moment of solitude, sitting in front of this 50 foot Buddha statue, attempting a meditation, where I realized that this is probably the only time in my life I will get to do anything close to this. It was humbling and I feel lucky to have experienced it.

The experiences outside of class were amazing too, especially the elephant nature park and our trip to Krabi, Thailand. Seeing the elephants in their natural habitat was breath taking and seeing the enormous cliffs in the southern islands rising out of this beautiful bright aqua water was absolutely mesmerizing.

Overall, I cannot recommend this trip enough. If you have the chance to do it, do it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed