A summer beyond words

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 4

My time in Tanzania through the Experiment in International Living defied words, expectations, and explanations. This program was so well structured and planned. My only wish would be to have had more time. I thought it was perfect that we began in Dar Es Salaam and were slowly eased into Tanzanian life. We then had our homestay in the village of Stahabu, where I was stunned by the connections I was able to build with my family and other members of the village. The homestay experience is one that I believe could not be replicated outside of this program. It was unique and mind blowingly different, yet normal. This would be one of the main reasons I would recommend this program. We also stayed with two ex-Black Panthers, Pete and Charlotte O'Neal, at the United African Alliance Community Center. Exposure to this hub of art and music and creativity moved me deeply and created one of the periods of most creative inspiration that I have experienced in my life. This, along with our time staying with the indigenous Maasai people, are two experiences that I do not believe could be replicated outside of this program. I was extremely grateful to have this opportunity to spend time with a Maasai family and get to know them on such a personal level. I went into my time in Tanzania with no expectations because I knew I could not predict what incredible things I would experience. The trip was more than I could have ever imagined, and I am grateful to have had this unique opportunity.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed