IVHQ Tanzania - Teaching Placement

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 4

Hands down the most important experience of my life. It is difficult to verbalize, but living and teaching in Tanzania is life changing. The people are incredible and although the slow-paced life takes some getting used to, it has a charm to it. The program is a great way to not only immerse yourself in the culture and community (whether through a homestay or at the volunteer house) but also a wonderful way to meet other young people who have similar interests as you from all over the world. There are also tons of people to travel with on weekend trips, safaris, longer vacations to Zanzibar, or to show you around town when you are new. The people and children you work with and for will capture your heart as well. I went to Africa knowing nobody, and left 3 months later feeling like I was leaving home and leaving family. It is a country that has lots of love to give and the people can use all of the help and support they can get - totally worth your time, money, and effort. There is nowhere else in the world I want to go more than I want to go back to Tanzania.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would