Effective Spanish Instruction

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

I really enjoy the Spanish immersion classes because they are always challenging and never boring. My teacher uses all kinds of different methods. During the classes, I read some things, and I watch and listen to videos and then we talk about those and lots of other things. Almost every week there are interactive lessons where I read an article and then have to answer questions about it. For homework, I also read articles and then write about what the author says in the articles. Up until a few months ago, I didn't know how to express my opinions in Spanish very well at all, other than to say that I liked something or didn't like it. But to be able to say that I found something interesting or puzzling or whatever, and then explain why, has been great. So basically, I get a really well rounded experience of talking, reading, listening and then writing. In the last few months, I really feel like my ability to speak Spanish has definitely increased, and my confidence has for sure.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed