Amazing experience in Sustainable Living and Ecological Restoration!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Come and visit this beautiful project! I appreciate so much the care and coordination that goes into every aspect of life at Sadhana Forest. I learned so much about sustainable living, water conservation and how to successfully restore wildlife to a devastated piece of land. I've visited Sadhana Forest four times over the last 5 years and this place has become a home away from home. The core values of the project challenged me to be a more conscious consumer and to deeply consider what it means to live compassionately and to be a part of a community. I've made long lasting friendships and had the opportunity to grow so much as a person. You will not regret a visit to any one of the Sadhana Forest projects (India, Haiti and Kenya)

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Yes, I would
Year Completed