Training Business People in Russia

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

In 1992, I participated in the initial Global Volunteers program to train Russian entrepreneurs.
It was fascinating at that time because the Soviet Union had imploded and the Russian people were trying to find their way in the midst of job losses and horrendous inflation. Global Volunteers, as it always does, had found a local partner and set to work.

The key factor was access to local entrepreneurs who were hungry for knowledge about running a business for profit. In addition, we were able to enjoy cultural events at the Marinsky Theater in St. Petersburg and at the Boshoi Theater in Moscow.

All in all, a great experience through sharing of our desperately needed business knowledge with, at that time, shell-shocked Russians. Global Volunteers made it happen.

Unfortunately, this program in Russia no longer exists, but it is typical of Global Volunteers' approach to provide help where it is needed.

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