4 weeks in Bogotá

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My interest on Colombia made me think of a way of visiting the country. I applied for this project looking for a more productive and fun way of spending my last month of vacations. Teaching English in Bogotá ended up being the solution, and it was such a great decision. I had no idea about what was coming and what to expect. Not only it was my first time doing volunteering, but it was also my first time in South America and my first time giving English Classes (notice that I am not a native speaker).
I feel that this experience was great in several ways. I improved my Spanish and also my English, I met people from all around the world and made such good friends in Colombia, inside and outside the volunteers’ house. The volunteering itself was a very eye-opener experience once I got in contact with such a different reality compared to what I am used to in Europe. Besides teaching English, I also had to opportunity to try other projects available in the foundation, they were pretty flexible on trying new stuff.
Colombia is beautiful safe! I had no problems with security on my 4 weeks stay in Bogota, neither did I in other cities. I chose to travel around Colombia with friends on most of my weekends. You can get pretty nice flight deals inside Colombia to visit cities like Medellin or Cartagena. Food is very tasty as I was expecting and most of products and services I bought were half/a third of the price in Europe.
I am definitely repeating a volunteering experience with IVHQ in a near future and Colombia will surely be a place to live a few years. NO JOKE, I’M FOR REAL. The only cons this experience has is actually leaving Colombia and coming back to the regular mainstream life. Good luck dealing with that.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed