Tefl @ Asian college of teachers

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

After joining the course and attending the training, I found a drastic change in myself. Morale went high and everything was on the zenith. I spend my 21 days like I was blinking my eyes, everything was so smooth and fine that even I cannot imagined that before joining the course. One of the most important character of Asian college of teachers was Miss Pak. She is extremely an excellent lady and always ready to help you and motivate you.
Asian college of teachers Bangkok is incomplete without her.
TEFL trained us to teach the students and learners in a very different and unique way, which we not even awarded about it, as we know the old conventional method of teaching, but here everything every single bite was new and fantastic.
Learning with fun is one of the greatest idea to keep involve the learners in their basics while playing games..

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