my gap year experience

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

The gap year for me was the best choice I could take in this moment of transition between school and the future. I made friends, gained independence and got to know myself better. Imdont give myself credit but I did feel from the start to the end I did change a little bit but the rest of the people did notice a big change. Now I do feel like I stand up for myself and atleast dont feel that every single times things are impossible. I discoverred a country I hadnt been to and had the curiosity to go to and saw the culture way of life and the kind people at the bars that seemed quiet but wanted to know your story. In this program I pushed my confort zone and would do it again but without heights. I would come to ireland any day to re visit my stay here i plan to stay in contact with most of the people here as I laughed and becames friends i want to have for the rest of my life

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Yes, I would
Year Completed