Review of Irish Gap Year

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

My experience with Irish Gap Year over the past three months has been a blast. Learning to surf, traveling around different towns and cities, and having the opportunity to do volunteer work have all been great learning experiences for me. Living in a house with 10 other people was fun and we managed to create a tight knit community. For me, going on trips to cities (such as Dublin and Galway) every other week was definitely one of the best parts of the program. I was introduced to this program by my brother who had done this program last year, he seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed it, so I decided to do it this year. For future participants, drinking alcohol is not allowed in the house, but there are many great pubs in town. For the trips to other cities, hostels were used as lodging. I highly recommend Irish Gap Year.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed